Must Haves:
✓ Doctors, Medicare & Dentist details
✓ Immunisation Statement for your child – this can be found on your MyGov account
✓ A copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport
✓ Centrelink (CRN) Number for your child and the parent claiming the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
✓ Your bank or credit card details to set up an automatic payment for fees & bond. (We use iPay.)
✓ Emergency Contact Details for your child.
We require the enrolment application to be COMPLETED before your child attends our program.
Once you have completed our enrolment APPLICATION, our Coordinator will confirm with you in writing the following details:
✓ You have confirmed and completed enrolment
✓ The days of attendance and other program details of the enrolment
✓ The commencement date
✓ The payments required to be received before commencement
We will send you an information pack so that you and your child can be fully prepared to begin your first day at Weldon.
As always, our Director/Coordinator will only be too happy to help you through the enrolment process. Please feel free to contact them at your chosen location.